Time for a Picture Post..
my Boyfriend's Family

My family (Couple Years Ago -Minus me/I'm taking the picture

My Cousins and Best Friends (Left to Right /Bottom : Carrie and my Cousin Becky, Top Row : My Cousin and best friend Patty and Me

My Boyfriend Damien - He Loves tigers, My mom got him this for Christmas one year.. It roars when you walk by it..

Me Brother Ronnie and His Girlfriend Heather going to the Prom on 5/18/07

Me and My mom on a Hot Air Balloon Ride in Niagara Falls,NY I think in 06 .. the Balloon was tied down it just went up like 100 Ft.

I babysit Alot.. Mainly for 3 little boys. Ages 9,7 and 6 .. This is Andrew the 7 year old

This is Jason - he's 9 and has Diabetes and Celiac Diease.. He's a great kid though and takes everything in stride..I am doing a JDRF later this year on his behalf with his wonderful Family

And last but certainly not least the youngest. Christopher. Chis is 6 and is adorable. He loves to dress nice. He inspires to be a fireman,policeman or he will settle for a Jedi Master.. lol..
Ok , That's it for today. Enjoy and Drop me a comment!
Shelly <3