1st Communion
The next 3 are of her hair.. Very Pretty:

Back View of Dress

At the Party..

I girl cannot keep a veil on all afternoon Esp. When trying to go outside and play!

Mommy and Daughter

Cousins : Sam(4), Audrey(8) - I love this picture..

Her Older Brother Looking off..

Audrey sure looks happy here huh?! :O) .. The little boy is Jacob, when he introduced himself he said " Hi, I'm Jacob Audrey's Future Fiancee.." Did I mention they are 8! Talk about starting early!
and Of Course Since my Sam was there I have to take like a Million picture of her, and she would not have it any other way!

Yes - She dressed herself for the party..

If you can't tell she as totally posing for these pictures.. She kept saying now take another.. Now this one.. Such a willing photography subject!

Daughter and Daddy walking away..

Who Me?

When you have a daughter you have to rock the purple Boa.. Such a good daddy he is..

Just one more please!!! ...How can you say no to that face??

Last but not least a new group shot:
Left to Right: Becky,Stephanie,Me and Patty - Cousins Forever!!
Hope you enjoyed a communion in pictures.. and very few words!
<3 Shelly