The second Theme of this week is Just for Fun.. This time we won't be judged just a another reason for people to visit your blog and get comments on your photo's, and who am I kidding I have 1 follower (Thanks Mrs.C) But would love more people to read my boring life..even if I have to lure them there with pictures of cute kids.. :O) ...
Here is my just for Fun entry :

This is another from our most recent work perk. Going to Ralph Wilson Stadium, this is Gavin a coworker and Friends Little Boy age 4..
He was my buddy for the day and we played soccer and kick ball and any other thing he could think of..
I should mention I babysit for them occasionally so he loved me already.. Usually he is my little poser when I bring out a camera, wanting to see each shot after it was taken..
Here he obviously wanted me to stop taking pictures and Play Ball with Him.. How could I refuse?
Shelly <3