I hope everyone's Halloween was good. Mine was great! A little cold and windy but we did not let that stop us!
First we went to the Aquarium during the day. Lexi loves fish and All she wanted to do was "Find Nemo"

The Penguins were pretty cool, and kept coming over to her..

I am actually quite proud of this turtle picture. If you didn't know I was at the aquarium you couldn't even tell he was in a cage! I think it looks like a postcard waiting to happen..

and we did eventually find Nemo.. In one of these

Can you see him in there??

They have this Huge tank in the middle where the sea lions swim and play. We watched the sea lion show and saw them from the bottom of the tank to over the top of it.

Its So great going with little ones to things like this. She kept going "WoooWWWW"

Then Even though it was Really Windy and Cold we walked up to the falls really quick. We were so close and they have never been there before so we had to stop quickly..

It was so cold out there we did not stay long, Lexi had the right idea though..

And a couple a Halloween pictures.. Trying on her Tiara

Trick or Treating we go..

She was Cinderella of Course!

and while trick or treating we found Snow White!

It was so cold and windy that we were only out for about an Hour. But she still made out pretty good with the candy, we had to put the hood up and the Tiara helped keep it up!

Me and My Lexi

Me and Michelle got in on the Halloween fun, we handed out candy when we got back, with Mustaches on!

Then we had a little fun and put the mustaches on Lexi

Then she put them both on

We Love them so much that we thought if we locked them up in the Dog Cage maybe they would not have to go back to PA

All in All even though it was cold and windy it was another great weekend! We always have fun when the Deavors are in town!
Shelly <3