Well Hello 2012..
I decided to start off 2012 with a Head Cold.. Luckily it only lasted really 2 days and 1 of those days were the worst then I started feeling better. Which was good because you really can not take much being 9 months pregnant. I suffered through with no medicine.
This is the fastest I ever got over a cold too, Usually it lasts forever with me, I don't get sick often but when I do it usually hits me hard. I started feeling it Monday Night and here it is Friday and I am feeling almost normal.
Had another doctors appointment today, everything still great. She was moving around all over while they tried to listen to her heart. The Doctor was laughing, saying she does not like to be pushed around.lol
3 more weeks and she should be here, unless she is early or late. I hope she is on time though, I can not wait to meet her.
Tonight is Damien's holiday work party, We did not go last year we were still a little bitter from me getting fired/Laid off for no reason. But I am over that now, might as well have a nice night out on their dime and enjoy a good dinner, Might be the last time in a while we get to do that.
I also have a girls night scheduled for tomrrow, we try to get together at least once a month or every couple months, so this should be my last once til the baby is born also. Then Sunday my little cousin Samantha Turns 7! Well on the 10th she does but her party is Sunday. I cannot believe she is 7, I remember her like this..
Sam at 2 |
And Now she is so big!
Sam at 6 |
Where has the time gone??
We got the Crib and Dresser delivered yesterday, now Damien has to put it together.. Here is a sneak peak of some of the things we have done.. It is a bit different now, Damien thought there was too much pink in there so he changed a couple walls but I do not have pictures of that yet.
The Start.. It was actually Blue to start with but I did not get a picture of that.. this is the walls primed white |
The top half.. |
The Top is Shrimp the bottom Watermelon Slice |
It is a bit differant now, It has a brown wooden border in the middle, and 2 walls are now Brown also with some pooh characters up.. I will get updated pictures soon and post those.. but here is the start..
Well I guess that is it for now.. Will update soon!
<3 Shelly