The Wizard of Oz play was in one word Amazing!

The reason's I think this show was so cool :
1. I'm a HUGE fan of The Wizard of Oz. I was in my High school Play when I was a junior and was a munchkin. One of the ballerina ones in the begining when Dorothy gets to muchkinland.
2. They mixed in visual effects, like small pyrotectnics and movie elements. They had a big screen over some scenes and in the backround, so they infused movie images in with the actual play. Which made the play all that much better. For example when the house was taken to oz in the begining with the cyclone, they had the actress in the bed and a screen around her and showed the cyclone and things going around her. It totally enhanced the effect of the play. I wish I was able to take pictures because it's hard to explain but definatly worth seeing if it comes to your town.
The costumes were amazing and the ToTo was so cute and well behaved. Yes they had a real dog onstage with her. It was so cute the dog just sat there and followed them along and did not bark until instructed to.
I think another good part of this play was the munchkins in this play were played by little Girls (Ages 8-12) from a Local Dance Company. Which was cute. They did an awesome job!
Jealous officially! Sounds like SO much fun!