So Saturday I watched a Friend and Co-workers boys overnight, so her and her Husband could go to a family wedding..It was beautiful out Saturday and they live in a nice apartment complex with a playground so I thought why not get them outside and let them run off their energy.. and what a great chance to take some pictures of them! here are just a few of the best ones:
\Meet Jacob:(Age 5)going into 1st grade this year

and Here's Gavin:(Age 4)starting PreK)

Riding down to the playground

Some Slide Fun:

Some Tunnel Fun also:

We Climbed things:

We played on the Swings:

and lastly on the way home we played a little baseball, well really throw the ball and hit it not really a game of baseball they are only 4+5 yrs old.

Love his Face

Gavin was more into making Sand Piles for "The Flys" as he told me.. lol..Still cute

Here Jacob is helping him:

and to end this post here is a great picture I took of Jacob,

There is nothing better then a Smile as Big was his, Esp. When it is totally natural and not prompted at all.. I think they enjoyed their day with me.. Do you think so too??
I'm going on a mini Vacation to PA with my mom Friday-Sunday and I will have lots of pictures of my time, along with a new little Friend! Stay tuned next week!!
Shelly <3