Meet Little Lexi: She just Turned 4 in august

Lexi and her Mommy

Lexi and my Mom

Me and Lexi bonded immediatly.. she gives the biggest hugs a tiny 4yr old can give

We went is a Wind Tunnel at their local mall, supposed to blow winds as hard as a hurricane..

and we also went to Knobles Theme Park (more on that later) But I took her on her very first Roller Coaster Ride, and she LOVED it.. Laughing all the way, I have a couple videos I'm going to post later, because she is just too cute to explain properly.

That's all I have time for today. But watch out in the next couple days for some Videos of my Lexi girl..
Shelly <3
Didn't that wind tunnel hurt your ears?? Looking forward to more pics of the park! :]