I am so excited. Our Friends from PA are coming up this weekend for a visit. I absolutely Love their little Girl Lexi, when me and my mom went up there at the beginning of September we had such a great time. I can't wait to see her. She gives the biggest hugs a tiny 4 year old can. The reason the post's title is Shh. It's a surprise, is I am not supposed to know they are coming.
They were supposed to come up next weekend for Halloween, they are still coming up next week also but Lexi did not have school and my mom and step dad went down to PA a couple weeks ago and I told them I was jealous I wanted to see Lexi too, so Michelle (Lexi's Mom) decided to surprise me and come up this weekend also. My mom told me because I tend to get snagged to babysit on the weekends and she did not want me to make any plans..
They are picking me up from work today when I get out at 2! I can't wait. But I will have to act surprised! So that means lots of new Lexi Pictures next week!
They have never been here before so the obligatory Niagara Falls trip and the fisher price store is in order and who knows what else! It's very hard to stay focused at work today knowing they will be here in 3 1/2 hours! YAY!!

Shelly <3
Awww!! Love surprise visits from friends!! Have fun at the FP toystore and NF!! Hope the weather cooperates.