Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I heart Faces - I wanna dance

Getting this in right on time this week.. I found those pictures I was referring to of my friends wedding. Luckily my boyfriend moved them to a folder I did not think of looking at. Yea!

So when you are at a wedding, there are plenty of Dance pictures to choose from. BTW I love going
to weddings for the sure joy of taking pictures of strangers.. yea I'm a little weird.

I have over 400 pictures to choose from, I have no idea how I take so many, But I do.

But there is nothing more special then your first dance as Man and Wife.

and 2 of our very best friends make some of the greatest pictures!

I wish it could include more then 1 picture, I have so many good one's for this catagorie, But I keep coming back to this one. So this is the one I choose:

One of the best night's of our lives, Great reception. Great People. Just all around one of the most enjoyable weddings ever. I hope mine is half as good as theirs was. But alas I am still waiting for the question to be popped to me, so my wedding shall have to wait.. Our 9 yr anniversary is March 8th. I'm giving him until then and then I may pop the question to him, it is 2010 after all! lol..

Head on over to I Heart Face's for more Dance Mania!

Shelly <3

1 comment:

  1. 9 years!~ I would have popped the question at 5. lol. Great photo.
