I love taking pictures of my little cousin Samantha. I don't have any kids of my own yet, so when I am around her, I snap as many as possible.
She was playing with some pink bubble wrap one day and she decided to throw up the bubble wrap up in the air when I told her to Smile. This Bubble wrap was no one near her face when I went to take the picture..

*Had to add one more in here* This is Sam's 3rd Birthday Party.. Here I accidently caught her tasting the frosting with an *ahem* certain finger...

I also love taking pictures of the 3 boys I watch and they love to pose. But the best moments are when I try to get them to do one thing and they end up doing something completely different and totally boy like

Head on over to I Heart Faces for more Hilarious Outtake Fun!
Shelly <3>
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